BOUNTY] [ICO] EMMARES | Emails as you know, will never be the same



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EMMARES connects high-quality email content to interested recipients. Encouraging better quality content, low frequency, and fair content evaluation, EMMARES presents new value, expanded audiences for email marketers and a bit of spam with just the desired content for recipients. EMMARES – Email Marketing Rewarding System is a very profitable evaluation system of email marketers (senders) as well as email recipients (basically everyone who uses email).


By signing up for an EMMARES system, MARKETERS emails get a chance to reach more targeted customers interested in their content. Because they send content that their recipients receive well, they get a chance to use the EMMARES system to expand their reach and work towards better results and higher ROI. They invest in a fun pool, which is the basis for rewarding EMMARES users, who evaluate their content.


 In return for evaluating the content they receive from various email marketers (senders), the recipient gets a token from the award pool. For each assessment, email recipients (users) receive tokens from email marketers whose content is evaluated.


 We envision a world where email marketing content has a much higher caliber. With our services, email marketers will be compelled to consistently produce better content over time. Trusted evaluations will help us all to minimize spam.

EMMARES will start a new golden era of email marketing. We want email marketing to represent trust and quality in the minds of people.

Mission statement

Email marketing is used more than any other digital marketing channel, but the impact is not what it is. This is due in large part to the fact that so much content used in email marketing is so low in quality. Customers want information offered by email marketers but they will not receive low quality information. By using the smart services offered by EMMARES, users can finally get email marketing content as per their standards and tailored to them based on their gender and region. Our mission is to make the world spam-free and play a major role in uncovering the possibility of dynamic content evaluation and intelligent delivery systems.


When we look at modern marketing methods, email marketing has proven to be very effective. ROI for an organization’s efforts can reach 3800%, or $ 38 for every dollar spent. Consider that 77% ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered campaigns. That’s the email marketing position above. But the reach of email marketing goes far beyond ROI, as we can see by evaluating the statistics of various organizations.

The process of collecting email addresses may differ from the very basic – where email marketers use simple methods to collect their contact lists – with highly sophisticated methods to attract new customers. If a marketer buys a list of contacts, it’s obviously the wrong way to build a business. This produces unsolicited mail, which is not only prohibited but produces a large number of emails sent to people who do not want the information. Recipients face major problems with spam.

Solving this problem is one of the toughest problems in IT. Even to this day, we have no effective way to eliminate the inclusion of irrelevant content. The most common way to collect simple mailing lists is through the use of public directories. This is not the right choice to collect targeted lists and usually, such email campaign ROI is very low.

For good email marketing results, proper targeting and segmentation is important because it isolates only those recipients who may be interested in the content. In B2B and B2C, 82% of companies use email marketing as their preferred method of communication with customers. Marketing automation helps them prepare and automate processes to keep their customers’ information in mind. 95% of companies using marketing automation also take advantage of email marketing. In this competitive climate, it is important for marketers to always find ways to get results, and as shown by the survey below, 66% of SMEs consider the most important thing here is improving email quality.

Attempts to get targeted mailing lists are a key issue in email marketing success. To get new customers on the list, the process begins with web advertising and attracts potential customers to the website. When we consider the number of email users worldwide (about 2.9 billion), we see how big this market is.

Classic advertising on the internet is a huge market. The clear leader is Google, with revenues of $ 19.1 billion per year for their web advertising products. Most of this advertising money is used to deliver results in the form of new contacts for email marketing. We can say that web advertising is the first step in effective email marketing.

The usual process is that companies invest in SEO and Google AdWords to get on the first page of search engines. Their website must be active in terms of engagement and must have elements to collect new contacts. If successful, this approach generates new customers, expressing their desire to receive regular content from this particular content provider. They give their email to the provider (opted into their mailing list).


 Email has become one of the most widely used forms of communication. In today’s world, email (along with SMS and social media) has replaced traditional letters and home phone calls, which was the mainstay of communications a decade ago.

In February 2017, the Radicati Group estimated the number of email users worldwide reached 3.7 billion and the number of emails sent per day to about 269 billion. The large number of emails is equivalent to nearly 2.4 million emails sent every second and about 74 trillion emails sent every year.

By 2015, Radicati Group estimates are 205 billion emails per day. The amount will only continue to grow. ( – by Heinz Tschabitscher) Sending emails faster and easier than ever. As shown in the statistics collected by, emails provide value to senders and recipients. There is a big difference, between high quality email and low quality.

We envision a world where email marketing content is highly relevant. With our services, email marketers and anti-spam providers will be able to produce better content and they will be rewarded for it. EMMARES will usher in a new golden era of email marketing. We want email marketing to represent trust and quality in the minds of people.

A good EMMARES demonstration will be a self-healing system based on the evaluation of the content crowd of email messages. This is related to a transparent quality assessment system, which will have information about each relevant email campaign. To keep it simple: if a particular campaign is not in the block, it means that it is treated irrelevant and will not receive the benefits of smart services. The system will reward the recipient of the letter (who will evaluate the quality of the content) with a satisfactory token.

Email marketers will be highly motivated to gain visibility in the system as relevant content providers as they will compete to get explicitly targeted potential buyers attention.

Using existing marketing revenue and allocating some of it to a useful email system will be useful in terms of targeting new customers. EMMARES will enable everyone to demand a certain level of quality for a particular content area.





penulis : jhonwick007

ETH saya : 0x2032f0E6Ae5538014a02a333a456617ABABe5F77

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